Only had it five minutes, but one advantage this had over other mirrors is that it can be used in the dark. Yep! The frame (well get to that in a minute) can be converted to a light that shines on your face.
The magnifyer isnt bad. Im sitting in the dark car with nothing to enlarge, so Ill update this later.
Flashlight is nice. Its a flashlight. Warning: Ive read that extended use of the cameras flash can reduce battery life.
The mirror frame: Itd be nice if no frame was an option. Its distracting, and takes up space on the screen.
The magnifier frame: the magnifying glass leaves little space to view the subject. Remove the artwork and you will have increased the viewable area by 40%-45%. This makes a big difference, especially when it takes quite a few seconds for the camera to adjust its focus for clarity (not your fault).
If you insist on keeping the artwork to set it apart from other similar apps, why not draw one of those large rectangular magnifying glasses, instead? Even that will increase the viewable area significantly.
Perhaps add a white screen flashlight that can be adjusted for brightness, for those times when we need a soft glow without the harsh overwhelming light that draws attention. For instance, when digging in the bottom of the totebag for snacks and drinks without making a lot of noise, distracting other people trying to watch the movie or listen to the sermon.
Id pay a buck for an upgrade including my two suggestions. Then turn this one into a trial version....
appr8er about 3 in 1 Multi-Tool with Flashlight, Mirror, and Magnifying Glass